
Jumat, 09 November 2012

Heidi Montag Bikini

She paid a staggering $30,000 to achieve her dream body via the means of plastic surgery.
So it's no wonder that Heidi Montag does her best to show off her surgically-enhanced curves at every opportunity.
The latest chance for the former reality star to show off her figure came as she posed up for an impromptu shoot on the beach in Santa Monica.
Well, it did cost her $30,000! Heidi Montag uses every chance she has to show off her surgically-enhanced figure, with the latest opportunity coming during a day out at the beach in Santa Monica
Well, it did cost her $30,000! Heidi Montag uses every chance she has to show off her surgically-enhanced figure, with the latest opportunity coming during a day out at the beach in Santa Monica
Blonde beauty: Heidi wore a tiny red bikini to show off her curves to the best possible advantage as she posed up for the photographer on the scene
Blonde beauty: Heidi wore a tiny red bikini to show off her curves to the best possible advantage as she posed up for the photographer on the scene
Blonde beauty: Heidi wore a tiny red bikini to show off her curves to the best possible advantage as she posed up for the photographer on the scene

Heidi paraded her feminine physique in a tiny red triangle two-piece, leaving her long blonde hair loose as she ran along the sand and splashed around in the sea.
The 26-year-old star, who first shot to fame thanks to her role in MTV show The Hills, looked in good spirits on the day out, smiling widely and laughing for the photographer who was handily on the scene.
Heidi has been somewhat out of the limelight in recent months, and will no doubt be hoping that her bikini display will put her on the radar once again.
Happier than ever: Heidi said in a recent interview that her priorities have changed, and she is now more worried about her personal life than achieving fame and fortune
Happier than ever: Heidi said in a recent interview that her priorities have changed, and she is now more worried about her personal life than achieving fame and fortune

Curvy girl: Heidi famously underwent 10 surgical procedures in one day back in 2010, including a breast enlargement and buttock enhancement
Curvy girl: Heidi famously underwent 10 surgical procedures in one day back in 2010, including a breast enlargement and buttock enhancement
Curvy girl: Heidi famously underwent 10 surgical procedures in one day back in 2010, including a breast enlargement and buttock enhancement

While she is reportedly planning a return to reality television with a new project alongside husband Spencer Pratt to start shooting in January, Heidi said recently that she is no longer so obsessed with being famous.
She said: 'My priorities are my family, my husband, my love life and my happiness and everything after that is great.

'But my priorities are not money, fame and fashion. I am very grateful for everything I’ve had but I will never make those mistakes again and I will never compromise myself and pretend to be someone that I’m not.'
Whoops! Heidi nearly fell out of her bikini top as she leaned forward while splashing around in the surf
Whoops! Heidi nearly fell out of her bikini top as she leaned forward while splashing around in the surf
Posing at every opportunity: Heidi managed to make every single movement a pose during the shoot
Posing at every opportunity: Heidi managed to make every single movement a pose during the shoot
Posing at every opportunity: Heidi managed to make every single movement a pose during the shoot

Indeed, since their time on The Hills, Heidi and Spencer have lost more than $1million dollars, spending the cash on expenses such as 'clothes, hair and makeup, managers, publicists, agents and lawyers.' 
Heidi told Access Hollywood in a recent interview: 'I’ve never really counted, so I’m not sure how much we lost, a lot… over a million or so. If we would have saved our money, it would have been better.'
However, one of Heidi's main expenses has been the cost of her plastic surgery - estimated to total around $30,000.
Just chilling out: Heidi looked less than comfortable as she reclined on the beach on a striped towel
Just chilling out: Heidi looked less than comfortable as she reclined on the beach on a striped towel

Time to get up: Heidi flashed one last smile at the photographer before preparing herself to get up
Time to get up: Heidi flashed one last smile at the photographer before preparing herself to get up

Careful now! Heidi appeared to be concentrating hard as she attempted to push herself up, while holding in her stomach
Careful now! Heidi appeared to be concentrating hard as she attempted to push herself up, while holding in her stomach

Sunning herself: Heidi topped up her suncream as she lifted herself up and continued with the shoot
Sunning herself: Heidi topped up her suncream as she lifted herself up and continued with the shoot

Heidi famously underwent 10 surgical procedures in one day, including liposuction on her thighs, bottom augmentation and a breast enlargement, as well as a nose job and chin reduction.
But Heidi said she would never go back under the surgeon's knife following the experience, saying: 'I would never do it again and I would never recommend it for anyone. It was way over my head. I should have researched it more.

'I wasn't told the repercussions and what would happen emotionally and physically and how much pain I would be in. I just focus now on being healthy and alive and strong.'
Back on the radar: Despite speaking about her changed priorities, Heidi is expected to be on television screens next year in a new reality show with husband Spencer Pratt
Back on the radar: Despite speaking about her changed priorities, Heidi is expected to be on television screens next year in a new reality show with husband Spencer Pratt
Back on the radar: Despite speaking about her changed priorities, Heidi is expected to be on television screens next year in a new reality show with husband Spencer Pratt

Back on the radar: Despite speaking about her changed priorities, Heidi is expected to be on television screens next year in a new reality show with husband Spencer Pratt

Senin, 17 September 2012

Foto Celana Dalam dan Paha Nikita Willy Nyempil

Wajah ayu Nikita Willy memang selalu menghiasi layar kaca baik di drama mahupun iklan. Berkat kerja kerasnya itu tidak ayal gelaran artis termahal disandangkan kepadanya.
Mendapatkan gelaran tersebut Niki mengaku merasa gembira serta berharap boleh seterusnya. Dia juga tak merasa ada beban dengan gelaran itu, kerana memang gelaran itu bernilai positif.
Niki mengungkapkan meski dia mendapat gelaran tersebut, dia tetap menjadi dirinya sendiri dan tetap seprofesional mungkin dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaannya. Penyanyi lagu Lebih Dari Indah ini juga tak mahu semahunya datang ke lokasi dia bekerja.

Kembang Desa lagi Nyuci Baju Di Kali>>>

Tante Santi Pamer Celana Dalam Baru Ngangkang>>>

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Tips Menyembuhkan Batuk Dalm Waktu 10 Menit Di Malam Hari>>>

Nemu Foto Ginian Di HP Second>>>

Senjata Buatan Indonesia Yang Dapat Menembus TANK>>>

Tante Tantri Sekretaris BUMN>>>

Foto Foto Nikita Willy Tanpa .....

Kalau foto Nikita Willy tampil menawan dan menarik hati seperti di setiap sinetron atau video klipnya, itu mah foto foto biasa dari Nikita Willy, semua orang juga banyak koleksi foto Nikita Willy yang biasa itu. Tapi bagaimana dengan foto Nikita Willy tanpa ....... ? Ini dia yang bikin heboh dunia maya. Ada beberapa foto foto Nikita Willy yang memang tampil polos tanpa semar-semir wajah disana-sini, memang benar-benar masih asli. Namu tetap saja dalam foto itu, foto Nikita Willy tanpa make up, tetap terlihat cantik walau memang berbeda ya secara kasat mata bila dibandingkan saat muncul di TV atau dimana….
Salah satu bahkan memperlihatkan foto Nikita Willy yang baru tidur, wah seru gak tuh… Kan kata orang, bila mau melihat cewek dalam kondisinya yang paling jelek, maka lihatlah foto dia saat bangun tidur. Nah, itu dia sobat penggemar. Ok deh, gak usah banyak bacot ya Sis, langsung lihat saja foto foto Nikita Willy itu dibawah ini:

Nikita Willy tanpa Make up 3
Nikita Willy tanpa Make up, Nikita Willy tanpa Make up
Foto Nikita Willy tanpa Make up, Foto Nikita Willy tanpa Make up
Foto foto terbaru Nikita Willy, foto terbaru nikita willy tanpa Make up
Koleksi Foto Nikita Willy tanpa Make up, Koleksi Foto Nikita Willy tanpa Make up 

Siska ABG Gatal Garuk Garuk>>>

Kumpulan PNS Bandel Plus Nakal>>>

Anisa Manis Laris Manis>>>

Geliat Sinta Di Bangku Taman>>>

Kembang Desa lagi Nyuci Baju Di Kali>>>

Tante Santi Pamer Celana Dalam Baru Ngangkang>>>

Sandy Seragam SMU Ngangkang>>>

Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

Cara Buat Bubuk Mesiu [copas]

Bubuk mesiu

Bubuk hitam modern.
Bubuk mesiu atau bubuk hitam adalah bahan peledak yang terbuat dari campuran belerang, arang, dan kalium nitrat, yang membakar sangat cepat dan bahan pendorong pada senjata api dan kembang api.
Bubuk mesiu diklasifikasikan sebagai bahan peledak lemah karena daya ledaknya yang rendah.[1] Ledakan yang dihasilkannya membuat gelombang subsonik, bukan gelombang supersonik seperti yang dihasilkan oleh bahan peledak kuat. Pergerakan gas yang dihasilkan oleh ledakan bubuk mesiu menghasilkan tekanan yang cukup untuk menembakan anak peluru, tapi tidak akan menghancurkan laras.

 Menurut sejarahnya, bermula dari ditemukannya petasan pada abad ke-9 di Cina. Ceritanya, waktu itu seorang juru masak secara tidak sengaja mencampur tiga bahan bubuk hitam (black powder) yang ada di dapurnya, yaitu garam peter atau KNO3 (kalium nitrat), belerang (sulfur) dan arang dari kayu (charcoal).Ternyata campuran ketiga bahan tersebut merupakan bubuk mesiu yang mudah terbakar. Jika bubuk mesiu itu dimasukkan ke dalam sepotong bambu yang ada sumbunya, kemudian sumbu dibakar, maka mesiu itu akan meledak dan mengeluarkan suara ledakan keras. Pada zaman Dinasti Song (960-1279 M), masyarakat Cina mendirikan pabrik petasan. Bahan baku tabung diganti dengan gulungan kertas yang kemudian dibungkus dengan kertas merah di bagian luarnya. Kemudian petasan ini menjadi dasar dari pembuatan kembang api, yang lebih menitikberatkan pada warna-warni dan bentuk pijar-pijar api di udara. Tahukah sobat-sobat, pada masa Renaissance, di Italia dan Jerman ada sekolah yang khusus mengajarkan masalah pembuatan kembang api. Di sekolah Italia menekankan pada kerumitan kembang api, sedangkan di sekolah Jerman menekankan pada kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan. Dan akhirnya muncul istilah pyrotechnics yang menggambarkan seni membuat kembang api. Untuk membuat kembang api dibutuhkan seorang ahli yang mengerti reaksi fisika dan kimia. Setelah bertahun-tahun, para ahli kembang api akhirnya bisa membuat kembang api berwarna-warni, seperti merah yang berasal dari strontium dan litium, warna kuning berasal dari natrium, warna hijau berasal dari barium dan warna biru dari tembaga. Campuran bahan kimia itu dibentuk ke dalam kubus kecil-kecil yang disebut star. Star inilah yang menentukan warna dan bentuk bila kembang api itu meledak nantinya.


Senin, 30 Juli 2012


Pernah Melihat cewek yang memakai rok mini kemudian rok tersebut tersingkap ke atas karena tertiup angin kencang? Jarang sekali kita dapat melihat adegan tersebut, maka dari itu buat kamu yang belum pernah melihat rok mini tersingkap keatas yang dikarenakan tertiup angin coba deh amati foto - foto dibawah ini. Ups.. Jangan lupa, jaga kondisi jantung anda, karena jantung anda akan berdegup kencang melihat foto - foto dibawah ini: Gimana? Masih kuat jantungnya? Lanjuttt..!!!



Gimana? Masih kuat jantungnya? Lanjuttt..!!!

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Video Ngintip Celana Dalam Cewek Lagi Beli Pulsa>>>

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Siska ABG Gatal Garuk Garuk>>> Kumpulan PNS Bandel Plus Nakal>>> Anisa Manis Laris Manis>>> Geliat Sinta Di Bangku Taman>>> Kembang Desa lagi Nyuci Baju Di Kali>>> Tante Santi Pamer Celana Dalam Baru Ngangkang>>> Sandy Seragam SMU Ngangkang>>> Tips Menyembuhkan Batuk Dalm Waktu 10 Menit Di Malam Hari>>>